How Do I Know If This Is For Me?Everyone has a path. We help you get there.
If you are serious about your career. If you are driven. If you are feeling burned out and lack direction. If you want to take your career to the next level. If you want to find meaningful work in your life. If you are open to investing in your success. If you are a business that needs help identifying or reaching their goals. If you want to make your dreams happen. If you want to invest in making your team's dreams happen. If you are tired of the same old results. If you aren't sure what direction is right. If you want to expand on the law of attraction. If you have a passion for more. Then you were attracted to us for a reason. We can help. |
Our coaching is personalized based on your needs. The scope of YOUR coaching will consist of many of the following areas (as needed), simply based on what makes sense for you. Every client has individual needs on their growth path, and we identify what that looks like with you. Our goal is to get you to a place that you live intentionally with uncommon joy. It's within reach. Just take your hands out of your pockets and see. Contact us TODAY. YOU are worth it. Life is short. Focus on what matters. **NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS FOR A LIMITED TIME** SCHEDULE YOUR COACHING TIME ONLINE Base Package choices: A. Weekly - approximately 40 personalized, 30 minute 1 x 1 coaching calls (annually), plus optional group calls depending on needs of current clients: $650 per month w/annual contract. B. Twice a month - approximately 20 personalized, 30 minute 1 x 1 coaching calls (annually), plus optional group calls depending on needs of current clients: $400 per month w/annual contract. C. On Call/As Needed - schedule a one time call as needed for coaching questions, or assistance with situational opportunities. 45 min. call $175 (initial 30 consult call required $125)
Your initial interview will assist us in creating a coaching plan that is specific to you. No cookie cutter sessions. No mass messages for everyone each week. No hype or fluff - just specific coaching and advising on what is important to you. Ready to get started? Call us today or fill out the form and let's do this together. |